Sunday, February 27, 2011

Taegan Wesley

So I updated on Miss Jocelyn, so now it's time for my Tae Tae!

He is one amazing little boy! He learns so much, and a lot of the stuff he knows, I have no idea where he learned it! Today, for example, he was playing with Nina (my mother-in-law)! They were playing with little farm animals, and Nina said that one of the animals was a cow. Taegan looked at it and, clear as day, he said no Nina, that's a bull! I'm sitting there thinking, where in the world did he learn what a bull is?? He amazes me every single day with random things that he knows! For him to be 3 in April, he is probably one of the smartest toddlers I have ever seen, and no, I'm really not being Bias when I say that!

About him:

- He sings constantly, and knows so many songs! He can hear a song once, and know it immediately!

- He remembers EVERYTHING! It doesn't matter if it was yesterday or 6 months ago, he remembers!

- He is so kind-hearted, and has such a loving personality! He does not hit or try to hurt anyone, like a normal toddler would!

- He loves being a big brother, and he loves to help with her!

- He has a wonderful Imagination!

- His favorite TV shows include: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Special Agent OSO, Handy Manny, Imagination Movers, Sponge Bob, and really any other cartoon on Disney and Nick!

- He loves watching Disney movies!

- He is so independent! He wants to do everything by himself, which is a good thing because that's how he learns!

- He is a huge Daddy's boy! When Daddy is around, he wont let me do anything!

- He is also a huge Nina fan! He loves his Nina more than anyone in this world!

- He sleeps with his bumpy blanket, BoBo (a stuffed monkey), his baby puppy and big puppy (both stuffed)! He will not go to sleep without them! Needless to say, he is no longer in a toddler bed, he has a full size bed for him and all his accessories!

- He says his prayer every night!

- His favorite food is Ice Cream!

- Although we've only let him try a taste of this a couple times, he loves coffee!

- He absolutely HATES hair cuts!

- He is off and on about baths. Sometimes he likes them , and other he can't stand them!

- He hates loud noises! ANY loud noise!

- He is VERY scared of spiders!

- He eats, literally, all day, and is still super skinny! I still don't think he has hit the 30 pound mark yet!

- He loves to play outside, and go to playgrounds!

- His favorite books are the ones Papa and Nina got him made for him with their voices!

- His favorite toy as of today is a little truck that he ride around on pretending it's an ice cream truck! He even hums a song while he is "driving" it, just like a real one!

- He is in love with our dog! They are best friends!

- He doesn't take naps anymore, unless he is just so tired that he falls asleep on his own!

- He sleeps 9 to 10 hours EVERY night!

- He is potty trained, no thanks to Steve and me! We tried for so long to get him to use the potty, but he just wouldn't, but one day he just up and started using it all by himself! He hasn't stopped since! He even holds in at night until he wakes up in the morning!

- He has to have a band aid on one of his fingers at all times even though he doesn't have a boo boo!
- He loves books, and for us to read to him multiple times a day!

That's all I can think of right now! He is such a special child! He has truly made Steve's and my life so wonderful! He makes us laugh constantly! I love that kid with everything I have to give and then some! I don't care how much he grows up, he will always be my baby boy!

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