Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 2: The meaning behind my blog name!

Well, It's rather simple really! My blog is called "Burcham Life: My Life, My Thoughts" I created this in order to keep people updated on my life. Although I'm not doing a very good job at keeping it updated! haha I do enjoy writing in this, but it's just a lot of work while trying to take care of two children, and a dog all day, plus doing all the other house hold chores, and errands! I have spent one hour just trying to type this much just because I've had to stop and change diapers, feed babies, empty big boy potties, among other things. People think being a stay at home mom is a simple task, and that we don't do anything, but its the complete opposite! We are constantly on the go, and I am more busy these days then I have ever been in my life! So if you come home to a messy house, and a stay at home mom, don't assume she has done nothing. Usually if the house gets clean, that because she had a little down time from trying to take care of everyone and everything else. :) Now back to the meaning of my blog name! It's basically just saying "this is me, my life." See, told you it's rather simple! haha


  1. So how are things going with your family of four?? You're a sahm??? yeah, isn't it wonderful? I totally agree with you, it is def. a full time job, keeping the house non-messy is a little harder when you have the toddler & a new baby [& we have 4 adults] Sophia usually gets upset if I leave the room to do stuff cause she wants to 'help' & the baby likes being cuddle [I cant pass that up] Im glad there is someone else who understands =)

  2. Yes, I'm glad someone else understands! You say it very well. Because doing chores usually means not spending time with the kids and well, that just isn't something I'm willing to cut back on.

    Amanda M.

  3. Camren - It is sooooo much harder to do things with a newborn and toddler! It was already difficult with just Taegan! haha

    Amanda - Exactly!! I will choose my children over my house ANY DAY!!!
