Tuesday, April 26, 2011

day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

This is Mrs. Deanna Conrad!  I finally have a friend in Georgia!  I was so excited to meet her, and now Taegan has a friend too!  She has two beautiful children, Gary who is 2, and Peyton who is 7 months!  Taegan loves playing with "Barry" as he calls him.  Now I have someone to talk to and have "girl time" with her when I need a break from mommy 24/7!  :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

Well, since I have slacked off the past 2 months, I figured I should just pick up where I left off!

I listen to Christian music, light rock, and Taegan's music.

I don't have any particular songs I listen to for a certain mood that I'm in, so I'll just list a few of my favorites through the years, and tell you why they are so meaningful to me!

I Will Be Here - Steven Curtis Chapman - This is the song that was sang at my wedding! This is mine and Steve's offical song!

Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard - I just love the song...no reason in particular!

Stonger - Kanye West - When Steve was gone for AIT training, he told me he listened to this song to workout to, and ever since then I listen to it. I guess you could say it made me feel closer to him while he was gone for so long!

1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T's - Stephen taught Taegan how to sing this song for me. He goes around all the time now's singing "There's only one way, to say three words, and that's what I'll do, I love you!" It is so precious!

Far Away - Nickelback - I also listened to this song while Steve was gone to Basic and AIT.

Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses - Steve sang this to Taegan while he played the guitar before he left for Basic!

You are my Sunshine - Steve sang this to me when Taegan and Jocelyn was being delivered.

Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison - Steve sang and recorded this song for me a couple months after we started dating!

Boulevard of Broken Songs - Green Day vs. Oasis - This is just an amazing song!! It's two songs in one!

There are so many other wonderful songs, but I just can't think of them right off.

There you have it, my favorite songs of all time! :)

There are so many other wonderful songs, but I just can't think of the names of them right now.