Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 5: A picture of somewhere I have been!

Alright, so I kinda slacked for the last few days, but in my defense, I have been super busy!! We had a wonderful weekend! My brother and sister in law came to visit us, and meet Jocelyn! We had a great time with them, and they were so sweet! They let Steve and I have a little break for a couple hours! It was so nice to get out and just relax, but honestly, all we did was go to Walmart! When we got there we actually contemplated on weather to sit out in the parking lot and take a nap, or go in and walk around! It was a very tough choice because we were both just so exhausted! We finally got out of the car and walked around the store for a few minutes, but we went straight back to the car and sat there and just talked for a little bit. Although it was only a couple hours, it was a much needed break! We hated that they had to leave so soon, and so early on Sunday, but hopefully we will be able to visit SC in a couple of weeks!

Alright, so for my day 5 challenge, Steve and I took the kids to the Riverwalk in downtown Columbus yesterday! It was absolutely gorgeous, and so peaceful there! Taegan loved seeing the water, but he saw a lot of people fishing and he said he want his fishing pole! haha It was so fun getting out like that, and just enjoying the day with my family! We ate lunch, and just walked around for 2 hours! Jocelyn did great, although I didn't get her out of her stroller because it was so windy! I think Steve and I are going to start going there from now on! We hope to find a playground somewhere around there! That would make it perfect!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I understand getting out just the two of you. We have to make a conscious effort to get out by ourselves, but it is all worth it. And even then Walmart sounds adventurous right? Lol! I love the pics from that park! It looked like a beautiful day for adventuring. It's good to see a post after a couple days... The blog is great! You have a beautiful family!
