Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 1: A recent picture of me and 15 random facts about myself!

1. I shave my arms!

2. I am only 25 years old and already have my tubes tied because I will NOT risk having a miscarriage and not know it! Jocelyn was our little miracle baby! We came way too close to losing her and not even knowing it could have happened!

3. Out of all the jobs I have had in my lifetime, I can honestly say that being a stay at home mom is the hardest most challenging job I have ever had, but I absolutely love being able to be home with my children!

4. I am a Christian, and very proud to let anyone and everyone know it!

5. I had the biggest crush on Stephen when I was a freshman in high school (back in 2000). I moved into his neighborhood, and took my baby sister on walks just to pass by his house......I didn't realize it was him until one of my high school friends started dating him. We never talked much, and it wasn't until April 13, 2006 that we started dating! A year after that, we got married!

6. I love to cook, and can cook anything as long as I don't have to follow a recipe! For some reason I always mess up recipes, but as long as I get an idea on how to cook something, I make up my own way to make it and it's usually taste pretty good!

7. I absolutely love taking care of people! I am a certified nursing assistant, and I loved working in a nursing home taking care of all my residents! I always got so attached to all of them, which was good, but bad at the same time.

8. I would do anything to make my family happy, and to protect them! They are my everything.

9. I was forced to eat tomatoes as a child, and now I can not stand to even smell them. They make me so sick!

10. My favorite TV shows consist of Army Wives, Pretty Little Liars, Secret Life of an American Teenager, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, and Veggie Tales!

11. I have only been to 8 states in the US. South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas. I need to travel more!

12. I flew on an airplane for the first time in my life when I was 23 years old, and I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to fly again!

13. I love taking pictures, but I am never in the picture! I'm always the one behind the camera!

14. I love that my son, Taegan, shocks me everyday with something new he has learned! It amazes me at how smart he is!

15. I am a devoted wife and mother! There is nothing I enjoy more than being with my family, and taking care of them!


  1. very nice Stephany! You are a very good mother & Wife!!

    D. Wolff

  2. This is very good Stephany! I love the honesty and well...randomness of it. I especially relate to the TV shows list. Mine also include How I met you Mother, Top Gear, Dirty Jobs, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Sesame Street...

    Amanda M.
