Saturday, February 26, 2011

Already 1 month old!

It seems like time is passing me by so fast! I can not believe my baby girl is already a month old! I love Jocelyn so much, she has finally made our family 100% complete! Even though she is only a month, I could not ever imagine life without her!
A few things about her:
- She is eating 2 to 3 ounces every 3 or 4 hours
- I breast fed her up until two days ago, but my milk has completely ran out. I couldn't keep up with her! We finally decided to give her formula. We started her on Good Start, and it satisfies her more than my milk ever did! I feel horrible because I feel like I was starving her! She sucked that formula down like she hadn't eaten since she was born.
- She is out growing some of her newborn clothes, so she is starting to wear 0-3 month! She's growing way too fast! :(
- We just started to put size 1 diapers one her today. We are hoping that will solve the issue of leaking poopy!
- I think she weighs close to 8 pounds, but we won't know that until her two month check-up!
- She loves to be cuddled! She falls asleep on me all the time! Steve is a bit jealous because she is such a mommy's girl! She does sleep well when I lay her down though.
- She sleeps well at night, usually 4 to 5 hours at a time!
- He favorite comfort is to be held and to be bounced!
- She loves her paci, and I don't think she could sleep without one!
- She doesn't like her swing too much yet. She will sit in it for a few minutes, but then she wants out to be held, which is fine with me because I love to have cuddle time with her!
- She loves it when we sing to her, especially Taegan!
- She knows who I am! She will stare at me until she falls asleep!
- She know the sound of our voices, and she will look in our direction if she hears us talk!
- She sleeps on her tummy all the time!
- She lifts her head up, and holds it there for long periods of time!
- She pushes up a little when she is on her tummy with her arms.
- She loves Taegan, and he loves her so much!
- She really doesn't care too much for baths, but she doesn't do too bad with them. She just doesn't like being cold!
- She giggles in her sleep! It is the cutest sound I have ever heard! It makes me wonder what she dreams about!

One month old!

That's about it for now!

Taegan has been so good with her. He is so gentle, and he cares about her so much! He is always helping me with her! The sweetest thing was when i was upstairs, she started crying and I came down to get her. By the time I got down there, he had her bottle feeding her. He looked at me and said "Mommy, I feed sissy because she cried." When she cries he will jump up and give her her paci, and he will start singing to her! I can not describe how much that boy loves his sissy. He has such a sweet heart! I love him so much! We have been so blessed with two amazing children!
This is what I found when I came down stairs!!

1 comment:

  1. The way Taegan takes care of her is so cool! I love that picture of them. He will be a good big brother (probably will be just as useful as they get older too!)

    It's amazing how much babies can do when they are that small, like lifting themselves up and watching everything!

    I had the same problem with was right at a month and then I just couldn't keep up. Zoey would latch on well and eat and eat, but be hungry 10 mins later. We used Good Start too and it worked great for us.

    She is so beautiful! You have a beautiful family!
