Thursday, January 20, 2011

One of the funniest moments EVER!

When Taegan woke up this morning he told me he had to go potty, so I told him to go! I wasn't paying any attention to him, but he said he was going to pee pee like daddy, which he says a lot, so I thought nothing of it! I was trying to upload a video to facebook when all of a sudden I heard this stream of pee pee going into his potty!! I look up and he is STANDING over his potty just pee peeing away!! He has great aim because he didn't make a mess at all! If that wasn't shock to me enough, Steve has apparently shown him how to "shake it off" when he is finished. He finished his business then he took his hand and just shook himself a little and closed the lid to his potty!! It was so so funny! He was so proud of himself!! I don't think I have ever seen anything as funny as this! I have the greatest son EVER!!

This past weekend Steve took Taegan to the pet store to look at all the little animals. It's one of Taegan's favorite things to do now! I get a phone call asking if they can bring home a fish, so we now have a pet beta fish that Taegan has named Ping! He was very excited about it, and he loves to feed him!

I have my last doctor appointment tomorrow before Jocelyn gets here!! Only 5 days left!!! Steve's parents are coming into town Saturday, and the rest of the families are coming Monday! We are so excited!! This week seems to be going by so slow though, the anticipation is awful!!

Just thought I would do a little update while I had a little time on my hands!! I hope everyone enjoys Tae Tae's pee pee story!! :) Have a great day!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

9 more days!

I can not believe Jocelyn will be here in 9 days!! I went to the pediatric cardiologist last week to get an ultra sound of her heart. If you don't know already then here is the story! When we went to find out that she was a girl, we also were told that she had a rare but the most easily fixed heart defect called VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect). They told us she had two holes in her heart that would more than likely close on their own as she grows in my belly, but if they didn't they would have to do surgery to close them when she turned one. I had to go to the Maternal/ Fetal Medicine doctor every week to get her heart looked at and to see if they were closing. A few weeks before we moved to Fort Benning they told us that the holes appeared to be closed but they could be positive until she was born. Well, when I moved here my OBGYN wanted me to go see a pediatric cardiologist to get a definite answer, and so I did! PRAISE GOD......Her heart is perfect! The holes closed on their own! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful God taking care of our precious little Angel! She has put us through a lot of scary stuff this entire pregnancy, but everything has turned out perfect, and it looks as though we couldn't have asked for a more healthy baby girl so far! With that being said.....I will have my tubes tied when I have my c section because I physically and mentally can not go through another pregnancy like this one! I couldn't bare the thought of almost losing my child and not even know it again! We are perfectly happy with our amazing son, and soon to be daughter! Our family is officially complete!

We are very much looking forward to this next week to come.....getting everything prepared and ready for her to come, and our families coming into town! We can't wait to spend time with everyone! We are so thankful to have such supportive family and friends in our lives! We couldn't have gotten through this pregnancy mentally if it weren't for most of them, and all the prayers that were sent up for us! We are truly blessed beyond belief! Thank you to everyone in our lives who have been there for us and prayed for us , and continue to pray for us! you all are so amazing!! We love you!!
We can't wait to meet you Jocleyn BreAnn!!! We love you so very much!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A fresh new start!

Our family is still going through so many wonderful changes!! We have officially moved to Fort Benning Georgia, and we absolutely love it! We hate being away from all of our families, but we could not have asked for a better work schedule for Steve! He is home everyday by 5 pm, I get to stay home with Taegan....not that I had a choice in that matter because of the complications of this pregnancy, but we actually have enough income from Steve's job that I don't have to work! It wonderful being able to stay here and not worry about our income! I don't know what we would have done if he didn't go active army, and me having to be forced to not work!

We are still trying to get our house sold, but in God's time it will happen! We are loving the house we live in now, and the best part is there are no inconsiderate neighbors! It's nice to be able to go to bed at a decent time and not have to listen to your neighbors scream, or here there music blasting your windows out!

Taegan is enjoying himself here, I think it's because we can have Barkley inside more, and they have become absolute best friends! One can not live without the other! He learns new things EVERYDAY! He is so so smart, it amazes Steve and I what he knows just by watching or hearing us do something! He picks up on things so fast! BUT he is the most stubborn kid I know! I have been trying to work with him in potty training for so long, and on January 11th he just up and decides he wants to start using the potty! Ever since, he has not wet his diaper once!!! He is now in big boy underwear!! We are so proud of him! We couldn't have been more blessed with any other son! God specially chose him just for us!

Jocelyn should be here anytime now! I am scheduled to have a c-section on January 25th...ONLY 12 DAYS!!!! We are thrilled! I had my cerclage removed last Tuesday, which I do not recommend to ANYONE!! I'm pretty sure that pain was worse than any labor pains I have every had!! We were thinking she might come that day, but she decided to stay in and stay cozy...I guess she knows how cold it is right now! :) We are already so in love with her, and she is already so spoiled by EVERYONE!! I guess that what she gets for scaring us so bad! I can not wait to hold her and cuddle her! Steve is already wrapped around her tiny little fingers......I can't wait to see what he is going to be like when she is actually here! Taegan is super excited to be getting a baby sister! He has chosen to call her sissy! We asked him if he wanted to call her Jocelyn or Sissy, and he said sissy! He is going to be such a wonderful big brother!! He is so sweet and kind hearted already! I think he will be very protective of her as well!!

Steve had to get a CT scan the other day to see how bad his hernia was, and he got the results yesterday. It turns out that he has one for sure hernia, and three more tears in his abdominal wall. I know he is so uncomfortable. Poor baby. :( He is going to have to have surgery to get them fixed, but he is going to try to push it back until maybe the end of February so I will have a little bit of time to recover. We don't want to both be cut up at the same time....especially not with a toddler, a newborn, and a dog! He has been such a great husband! He has taken care of me, and cooked and cleaned when I cant! He doesn't even complain about it. It makes me feel horrible when I can't do stuff for him, or just simply clean all the toys up out of the floor before he gets home everyday, but I honestly can not bend over anymore....and he just comes home and does it like it's nothing! He is a wonderful man, fabulous husband, and even better daddy!! Taegan and Jocelyn are so blessed to have him as their daddy!!

I can't wait to get Jocelyn here and recover so we can start going back to SC more! I haven't been able to travel a lot with this pregnancy, but we miss our families so much!! I think we are both homesick for everyone! It's hard to not be able to just drive 10 minutes and be able to hangout with someone we know, and I do get lonely quite a bit, but I think that's more because I am not able to do much anymore. I get tired to easily, but that will soon change!! :)

God is so great, he has blessed our lives to the fullest, and provided for us more than we could ever imagined!! Without him in our lives, we would have nothing at all!!