Tuesday, November 24, 2009

losing weight!

OK, I am going to try my hardest to lose weight like I did before Steve came back home! I was doing so well, then I kinda let myself go again. I am determined to be at least 120 before Brent and Jenna's Wedding on May 15, 2010! Starting today I am going to exercise everyday, and eat in moderation instead of what I have been! I'm hoping by posting here and people reading it will motivate me to complete, or even exceed my goal! I will update my weight loss every Tuesday, and post a picture every month with my progress! Wish me luck!!!

I just want to feel good about myself again. I know I'm not FAT fat, but what I'm used to is 110 lbs, and that was just 4 years ago. I'm tired of going through my closet and putting clothes on and they don't fit. It really does get me down a lot of times. The picture I'm posting is not recent, but it is what I look like at 170 right now. I don't have any recent pictures because I hate my picture to be taken, so I'm hoping that will change in the next few months!! :)

Today's Weight: 170 lbs

Total I need to lose: 50 lbs

Monday, November 23, 2009

Just an update!

Today Steve and I decided to move our furniture around! It seems like we have a whole new living room now! I also found a way to make the kitchen table into a "tent" for Taegan, which also serves as a very fashionable table cloth! I just got a black sheet and draped it over the table and cut a door into the side that you can't see! ha ha, Taegan loves it! :)

OK, so our dog, Kenzie, was getting out of our fence some how, and we could not figure it out, so we decided to bring her inside. Well, Taegan absolutely LOVES her! Now all he does is try to find new ways to torture her. It's quite funny! I'm going to try to get pictures of them together tomorrow and post them. They are so cute together.

That's about all for now, I'll update more in a couple days, I'm sure I'll have some great Thanksgiving stories! :)

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, November 16, 2009

What a busy few days!

I worked all weekend, plus did clinicals, and GRADUATED my CNA program!! Very exciting! Now all I have to do is take my state test, and I will officially be a CNA! :) Hopefully within the year I will be going back to school and getting my nursing degree! I'm so relieved that I have finally found something that I'm good at, and love doing! I've struggled over the years trying to figure out what I want to do, but no more! :)

Our good friend Meg, and her husband Kevin had a beautiful baby girl last night! She is a doll!! I can't wait to hold her! Meg, if you read this, we are so happy and proud for you guys!! y'all will make amazing parents, and we all know that Maryella will be the most precious spoiled baby girl ever!! Congratulations!!

After going to the hospital last night, I think I finally know what, and where I want to work as a nurse! We were all in the waiting room watching the nurse take care of Maryella, and I want to do that!!! I can't wait!!!

Now, the five things I'm thankful for:

1. Scented candles!

2. hopes and dreams

3. emotions

4. My sweet baby boy running around my living room like he owns the place! :)

5. crock pots!!

Have a great day everyone!!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mama's boy.....I think not!

Today I have realized that Taegan in far from a mama's boy! Ever since he was born, he has preferred pretty much anyone else over me! Well, I take that back, when he was first born, he wanted me, but I'm pretty sure that was because I was his main source of food! ha ha When I first noticed this, it was with his Nana (Brenda), he would go to her for anything, whether it be food, comforting, or to just simply sit in her lap. It bothered me, but I knew that I was still his mom, and my turn would come eventually. Well, then he became a Papa's (Wesley) boy. They would ride his four wheeler together, eat Popsicles, chase each other, and howl at the moon (you have to know our family to understand that one! ha ha). While he would play with Nana and Papa, I would just sit there and watch him have the time of his life! Now, He's a huge daddy's (Stephen) boy, wont have anything to do with me. Today, I tried to pick him up; He practically climbed out of my arms and ran to his daddy so he could hold him. He wouldn't even let me fix his koolaid, he wanted Stephen to do it! It broke my heart because all these months that Taegan has been on this earth, he has always chosen other people over me, his own mom. I kept wondering what I've done or haven't done to make him not love me or want me as much. Although it does hurt my feelings, I know that he is just 1 and a half years old, and it's not anything that I have done to make him run away from me. I started thinking about it, and I've come to realize that I am so grateful that he has amazing grandparents that want to spend every chance they can with him. I'm grateful that Taegan has a daddy that wants to be a part of his life when so many other kids don't know what that love feels like. Taegan has a wonderful family that loves him more than anything in this world, and he knows that! So, I'm not going to be sad that he doesn't choose me first, I'm going to be grateful that he has a choice of so many people that loves him dearly to go to! :) In the end, I'm sure he knows that mama will always be here for him! To my family (including friends) I want to thank you for all your love for Taegan. He is truly blessed to have such loving family in his life!

5 things I'm grateful for:

1. A dishwasher! :)
2. Nana and Papa
3. A wonderful daddy for Taegan!
4. Hair ties!
5. My life!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I have been thinking a lot about things to be thankful for lately, and I must admit, I have taken a lot of things for granted. Most people don't stop to think about the small things that make your day so much better. Example: I don't know what I would do if we didn't have power, heat, or a house for that matter. The past two days, it has been nothing but COLD rain and wind. I haven't stopped to realize how fortunate I really am. There are so many people out in the world that don't have anything, or everything has been taken away from them. I am so thankful that we have family that will help us no matter what, and as much as they can! If it weren't for my in-laws, Steve and I may not have everything we do today.

My point is, stop and think about things in a different perspective. Don't complain about having to pay taxes, be thankful you have a job! Don't stress over the power bill, just be thankful you have heat during the winter! Don't get mad when someone is trying to give you advice.....be thankful you have them, and that they are showing you that they care!

As of today, I am going to start listing five things I am thankful for every single day whether it be big or small!

1. My family, and the support they have shown us.
2. Cheese Puff Corn for Taegan! :)
3. Chap stick
4. The jobs Steve and I have!
5. Our beautiful son Taegan. No matter what mood I am in, he always puts a smile on my face!

Have a great day everyone!