Sunday, February 27, 2011

Taegan Wesley

So I updated on Miss Jocelyn, so now it's time for my Tae Tae!

He is one amazing little boy! He learns so much, and a lot of the stuff he knows, I have no idea where he learned it! Today, for example, he was playing with Nina (my mother-in-law)! They were playing with little farm animals, and Nina said that one of the animals was a cow. Taegan looked at it and, clear as day, he said no Nina, that's a bull! I'm sitting there thinking, where in the world did he learn what a bull is?? He amazes me every single day with random things that he knows! For him to be 3 in April, he is probably one of the smartest toddlers I have ever seen, and no, I'm really not being Bias when I say that!

About him:

- He sings constantly, and knows so many songs! He can hear a song once, and know it immediately!

- He remembers EVERYTHING! It doesn't matter if it was yesterday or 6 months ago, he remembers!

- He is so kind-hearted, and has such a loving personality! He does not hit or try to hurt anyone, like a normal toddler would!

- He loves being a big brother, and he loves to help with her!

- He has a wonderful Imagination!

- His favorite TV shows include: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Special Agent OSO, Handy Manny, Imagination Movers, Sponge Bob, and really any other cartoon on Disney and Nick!

- He loves watching Disney movies!

- He is so independent! He wants to do everything by himself, which is a good thing because that's how he learns!

- He is a huge Daddy's boy! When Daddy is around, he wont let me do anything!

- He is also a huge Nina fan! He loves his Nina more than anyone in this world!

- He sleeps with his bumpy blanket, BoBo (a stuffed monkey), his baby puppy and big puppy (both stuffed)! He will not go to sleep without them! Needless to say, he is no longer in a toddler bed, he has a full size bed for him and all his accessories!

- He says his prayer every night!

- His favorite food is Ice Cream!

- Although we've only let him try a taste of this a couple times, he loves coffee!

- He absolutely HATES hair cuts!

- He is off and on about baths. Sometimes he likes them , and other he can't stand them!

- He hates loud noises! ANY loud noise!

- He is VERY scared of spiders!

- He eats, literally, all day, and is still super skinny! I still don't think he has hit the 30 pound mark yet!

- He loves to play outside, and go to playgrounds!

- His favorite books are the ones Papa and Nina got him made for him with their voices!

- His favorite toy as of today is a little truck that he ride around on pretending it's an ice cream truck! He even hums a song while he is "driving" it, just like a real one!

- He is in love with our dog! They are best friends!

- He doesn't take naps anymore, unless he is just so tired that he falls asleep on his own!

- He sleeps 9 to 10 hours EVERY night!

- He is potty trained, no thanks to Steve and me! We tried for so long to get him to use the potty, but he just wouldn't, but one day he just up and started using it all by himself! He hasn't stopped since! He even holds in at night until he wakes up in the morning!

- He has to have a band aid on one of his fingers at all times even though he doesn't have a boo boo!
- He loves books, and for us to read to him multiple times a day!

That's all I can think of right now! He is such a special child! He has truly made Steve's and my life so wonderful! He makes us laugh constantly! I love that kid with everything I have to give and then some! I don't care how much he grows up, he will always be my baby boy!

Day 9: Something you're proud of in the past few days

I am very proud of my family! What can I say, they are the most important people in my life!

I know this is a short one, but honestly, that's all I have to say! :)

They are my everything!
I can't forget my very spoiled Barkley! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Already 1 month old!

It seems like time is passing me by so fast! I can not believe my baby girl is already a month old! I love Jocelyn so much, she has finally made our family 100% complete! Even though she is only a month, I could not ever imagine life without her!
A few things about her:
- She is eating 2 to 3 ounces every 3 or 4 hours
- I breast fed her up until two days ago, but my milk has completely ran out. I couldn't keep up with her! We finally decided to give her formula. We started her on Good Start, and it satisfies her more than my milk ever did! I feel horrible because I feel like I was starving her! She sucked that formula down like she hadn't eaten since she was born.
- She is out growing some of her newborn clothes, so she is starting to wear 0-3 month! She's growing way too fast! :(
- We just started to put size 1 diapers one her today. We are hoping that will solve the issue of leaking poopy!
- I think she weighs close to 8 pounds, but we won't know that until her two month check-up!
- She loves to be cuddled! She falls asleep on me all the time! Steve is a bit jealous because she is such a mommy's girl! She does sleep well when I lay her down though.
- She sleeps well at night, usually 4 to 5 hours at a time!
- He favorite comfort is to be held and to be bounced!
- She loves her paci, and I don't think she could sleep without one!
- She doesn't like her swing too much yet. She will sit in it for a few minutes, but then she wants out to be held, which is fine with me because I love to have cuddle time with her!
- She loves it when we sing to her, especially Taegan!
- She knows who I am! She will stare at me until she falls asleep!
- She know the sound of our voices, and she will look in our direction if she hears us talk!
- She sleeps on her tummy all the time!
- She lifts her head up, and holds it there for long periods of time!
- She pushes up a little when she is on her tummy with her arms.
- She loves Taegan, and he loves her so much!
- She really doesn't care too much for baths, but she doesn't do too bad with them. She just doesn't like being cold!
- She giggles in her sleep! It is the cutest sound I have ever heard! It makes me wonder what she dreams about!

One month old!

That's about it for now!

Taegan has been so good with her. He is so gentle, and he cares about her so much! He is always helping me with her! The sweetest thing was when i was upstairs, she started crying and I came down to get her. By the time I got down there, he had her bottle feeding her. He looked at me and said "Mommy, I feed sissy because she cried." When she cries he will jump up and give her her paci, and he will start singing to her! I can not describe how much that boy loves his sissy. He has such a sweet heart! I love him so much! We have been so blessed with two amazing children!
This is what I found when I came down stairs!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

day 8: Short term goals for this month and why

I will do my short term goal for the month of March seeing as how we only have a couple more days left in February! For the month of March I would like to:

I want to look like this again! This was the year before I got pregnant with Taegan!

1. Lose the rest of this baby weight.
2. Take care of Steve to the best of my ability after his surgery Monday, and make sure he has the most relaxing 30 days off work as possible!
3. Get myself back into a NORMAL routine! I'm still getting used to the whole two kids thing! :)
4. Keep this blog updated!!
5. Give my dog a bath! haha, it's bad when I have to put that down as a goal! I just don't have time anymore!
6. I want to finally be able to go to church again, but we will have to see how Steve is healing, and if he will be able to move around that much after his surgery!
That's it for now, I may have to add to this list as the month starts!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

This woman right here has been the strongest, most influential lady I have ever known! My mom has had one of the hardest lives I have ever seen, and yet she still drives on! She is NOT a quitter! I love my mother so very much, and just recently I realized how wonderful that mother/daughter bond really is! Being as how I have a little princess myself now, I completely understand how a mother loves her daughter so much! My mother has taught me so much in my life. Just from watching her throughout my life, I learned to be a fighter, how to be independent, and a hard worker, but most of all she taught me to be the woman, wife, and mother I am today!
You never realize as a child, or even a teenager how much your mother impacts your life! I didn't realize it until I became a mother! I found myself raising my children with the same morals and "rules" that I grew up with! My mother is the greatest woman I have ever known, and she always will be! She has sacrificed so much of her life to take care of her family. At one point, when I was a little kid, I remember he working three jobs at a time just to provide for my brother and I! She raised us by herself with little to know help from anyone, and I am so grateful to be able to say I have a mother who has loved me unconditionally no matter what I have ever done!
I love you Mama! You are such an amazing woman, and I pray that I am at least half the person you are!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

day 6: favorite super hero and why

My all time favorite super hero is my wonderful loving husband! I know, I know...not the famous "super hero" type, but he is honestly the best one I have ever loved! :) Stephen has been in my life for five years this coming April, and I can say it has been the most challenging, difficult, rewarding, best five years of my life!

Before I met him I was doing alright. I was in a relationship that I knew in my heart was never going to last, but I couldn't get out because, as always, I was afraid of hurting people! I had a good job, but I just simply was not happy with my life. I felt like I was just stuck, and I couldn't go anywhere. Then, Stephen came along and opened my eyes. From day one I knew he was my "Hero!"

My life changed, I was happy again! I knew within just a few day I would spend the rest of my life with him! Eight months later we were engaged, and 6 months after that, we were married! Best decision I could have ever made!

We have had a lot of tough times, and a lot of downs, but nothing we couldn't handle! The good as always out-weighed the bad....ALWAYS!! He has always done everything in his power to take care of me, and make me happy! He constantly shows me he loves me, even if it's just a simple kiss on the cheek! I never second guess any decisions we've ever made because I know with him, we can get through anything and come out 100 times stronger! He has given me 2 amazing children, and a life to where I am able to stay home with them!

To me, Stephen is my all time favorite "super hero!" That will never change! My life is complete, happy, and healthy all because of him! Thank you Stephen Wesley Burcham for saving me and being my hero!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 5: A picture of somewhere I have been!

Alright, so I kinda slacked for the last few days, but in my defense, I have been super busy!! We had a wonderful weekend! My brother and sister in law came to visit us, and meet Jocelyn! We had a great time with them, and they were so sweet! They let Steve and I have a little break for a couple hours! It was so nice to get out and just relax, but honestly, all we did was go to Walmart! When we got there we actually contemplated on weather to sit out in the parking lot and take a nap, or go in and walk around! It was a very tough choice because we were both just so exhausted! We finally got out of the car and walked around the store for a few minutes, but we went straight back to the car and sat there and just talked for a little bit. Although it was only a couple hours, it was a much needed break! We hated that they had to leave so soon, and so early on Sunday, but hopefully we will be able to visit SC in a couple of weeks!

Alright, so for my day 5 challenge, Steve and I took the kids to the Riverwalk in downtown Columbus yesterday! It was absolutely gorgeous, and so peaceful there! Taegan loved seeing the water, but he saw a lot of people fishing and he said he want his fishing pole! haha It was so fun getting out like that, and just enjoying the day with my family! We ate lunch, and just walked around for 2 hours! Jocelyn did great, although I didn't get her out of her stroller because it was so windy! I think Steve and I are going to start going there from now on! We hope to find a playground somewhere around there! That would make it perfect!! :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 4: A bad habit I wish I didn't have!

I honestly do not know of a bad habit that I have! If anyone can tell me one, then please let me know! I guess I can say I have a bad habit of not keeping in touch with people especially when I get extremely busy. It just slips my mind! I don't know, that's all I could think of!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3: A picture of me and my friends!

This is Alyssa and me. She has been my very best friend going on 11 years now! She is the most amazing best friend and person I have ever met! I have no idea what kind of people I would be hanging around, or what kind of trouble I would have gotten into if we never met! Alyssa is such an inspiration, and a wonderful influence on everyone she comes in contact with! We always have so much fun together, and I'm sure we will continue to be best friends for the rest of our lives! She is the one person I can always call and talk to when I'm having a hard time, and she will never judge me for anything I have done that she may not agree with! I love her dearly, and would do anything for her. She is an amazing wife, and I know she will be a wonderful mother when she decides to have children of her own someday!! I love you Alyssa D. Wolff Byars!!! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 2: The meaning behind my blog name!

Well, It's rather simple really! My blog is called "Burcham Life: My Life, My Thoughts" I created this in order to keep people updated on my life. Although I'm not doing a very good job at keeping it updated! haha I do enjoy writing in this, but it's just a lot of work while trying to take care of two children, and a dog all day, plus doing all the other house hold chores, and errands! I have spent one hour just trying to type this much just because I've had to stop and change diapers, feed babies, empty big boy potties, among other things. People think being a stay at home mom is a simple task, and that we don't do anything, but its the complete opposite! We are constantly on the go, and I am more busy these days then I have ever been in my life! So if you come home to a messy house, and a stay at home mom, don't assume she has done nothing. Usually if the house gets clean, that because she had a little down time from trying to take care of everyone and everything else. :) Now back to the meaning of my blog name! It's basically just saying "this is me, my life." See, told you it's rather simple! haha

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 1: A recent picture of me and 15 random facts about myself!

1. I shave my arms!

2. I am only 25 years old and already have my tubes tied because I will NOT risk having a miscarriage and not know it! Jocelyn was our little miracle baby! We came way too close to losing her and not even knowing it could have happened!

3. Out of all the jobs I have had in my lifetime, I can honestly say that being a stay at home mom is the hardest most challenging job I have ever had, but I absolutely love being able to be home with my children!

4. I am a Christian, and very proud to let anyone and everyone know it!

5. I had the biggest crush on Stephen when I was a freshman in high school (back in 2000). I moved into his neighborhood, and took my baby sister on walks just to pass by his house......I didn't realize it was him until one of my high school friends started dating him. We never talked much, and it wasn't until April 13, 2006 that we started dating! A year after that, we got married!

6. I love to cook, and can cook anything as long as I don't have to follow a recipe! For some reason I always mess up recipes, but as long as I get an idea on how to cook something, I make up my own way to make it and it's usually taste pretty good!

7. I absolutely love taking care of people! I am a certified nursing assistant, and I loved working in a nursing home taking care of all my residents! I always got so attached to all of them, which was good, but bad at the same time.

8. I would do anything to make my family happy, and to protect them! They are my everything.

9. I was forced to eat tomatoes as a child, and now I can not stand to even smell them. They make me so sick!

10. My favorite TV shows consist of Army Wives, Pretty Little Liars, Secret Life of an American Teenager, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, and Veggie Tales!

11. I have only been to 8 states in the US. South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas. I need to travel more!

12. I flew on an airplane for the first time in my life when I was 23 years old, and I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to fly again!

13. I love taking pictures, but I am never in the picture! I'm always the one behind the camera!

14. I love that my son, Taegan, shocks me everyday with something new he has learned! It amazes me at how smart he is!

15. I am a devoted wife and mother! There is nothing I enjoy more than being with my family, and taking care of them!

30 days of me!

I came across this and figured it would be fun to do! I will start today, and atempt to do it everyday for thirty days! :)

Here are the daily prompts for 30 days of me:
day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind you blog name
day 3- a picture of you and your friends
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere youve been to
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something youre proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
day 13- a letter to someone who has hurt you recently
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put you ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
day 20- someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
day 21- a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave for a lot
day 24- a letter to your parents
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- what do you think about your friends
day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge
day 28- a picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?
day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- you favorite song