Wednesday, February 23, 2011

day 6: favorite super hero and why

My all time favorite super hero is my wonderful loving husband! I know, I know...not the famous "super hero" type, but he is honestly the best one I have ever loved! :) Stephen has been in my life for five years this coming April, and I can say it has been the most challenging, difficult, rewarding, best five years of my life!

Before I met him I was doing alright. I was in a relationship that I knew in my heart was never going to last, but I couldn't get out because, as always, I was afraid of hurting people! I had a good job, but I just simply was not happy with my life. I felt like I was just stuck, and I couldn't go anywhere. Then, Stephen came along and opened my eyes. From day one I knew he was my "Hero!"

My life changed, I was happy again! I knew within just a few day I would spend the rest of my life with him! Eight months later we were engaged, and 6 months after that, we were married! Best decision I could have ever made!

We have had a lot of tough times, and a lot of downs, but nothing we couldn't handle! The good as always out-weighed the bad....ALWAYS!! He has always done everything in his power to take care of me, and make me happy! He constantly shows me he loves me, even if it's just a simple kiss on the cheek! I never second guess any decisions we've ever made because I know with him, we can get through anything and come out 100 times stronger! He has given me 2 amazing children, and a life to where I am able to stay home with them!

To me, Stephen is my all time favorite "super hero!" That will never change! My life is complete, happy, and healthy all because of him! Thank you Stephen Wesley Burcham for saving me and being my hero!!

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