Thursday, January 20, 2011

One of the funniest moments EVER!

When Taegan woke up this morning he told me he had to go potty, so I told him to go! I wasn't paying any attention to him, but he said he was going to pee pee like daddy, which he says a lot, so I thought nothing of it! I was trying to upload a video to facebook when all of a sudden I heard this stream of pee pee going into his potty!! I look up and he is STANDING over his potty just pee peeing away!! He has great aim because he didn't make a mess at all! If that wasn't shock to me enough, Steve has apparently shown him how to "shake it off" when he is finished. He finished his business then he took his hand and just shook himself a little and closed the lid to his potty!! It was so so funny! He was so proud of himself!! I don't think I have ever seen anything as funny as this! I have the greatest son EVER!!

This past weekend Steve took Taegan to the pet store to look at all the little animals. It's one of Taegan's favorite things to do now! I get a phone call asking if they can bring home a fish, so we now have a pet beta fish that Taegan has named Ping! He was very excited about it, and he loves to feed him!

I have my last doctor appointment tomorrow before Jocelyn gets here!! Only 5 days left!!! Steve's parents are coming into town Saturday, and the rest of the families are coming Monday! We are so excited!! This week seems to be going by so slow though, the anticipation is awful!!

Just thought I would do a little update while I had a little time on my hands!! I hope everyone enjoys Tae Tae's pee pee story!! :) Have a great day!

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